Naughty Letters to Ms. Mac

Countless noble souls (and many fluffy kittens) sacrificed their lives during the making of this blog. We think you will agree they were worth it.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Staving Off The Boredom

Frequently at work I receive publicity about and invitations to agricultural and agrifood expos and trade fairs. Some of them have clever-clever names.

I'd love to go to AGROTICA in Greece for example. I wonder what kinds of toys and appliances I might be able to buy there...

Then there's the Helexpo, also in Greece. It was named for me, Baby!

Foodapest in Hungary: nuff said.

St. Petersburg Wine and Vodka Fair: not so much clever-clever, but I do admire the no-nonsense, straight forward title. I'll see if The Lovely Ms. Mac wants to come with me.

Floristica in Dresden

Intercool in Dusseldorf: that sounds way cool.

Meatmania in Bulgaria: ooh-er!

And finally, the very intriguingly named Interprodmash in Ukraine. I have no idea!


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