Naughty Letters to Ms. Mac

Countless noble souls (and many fluffy kittens) sacrificed their lives during the making of this blog. We think you will agree they were worth it.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

What? What is it?

Dear Keeper of the Secrets of the Universe,

Please tell me what it is. Please? I can't believe you won't tell me what it is. It can't be that good that you won't tell me what it is. You're only keeping it secret because it's a rubbish secret, aren't you?

Or are you keeping it secret because it's so totally awesome it would blow my mind?

Gahhhh! I won't have it! Tell me! Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll me!

*whines* Why won't you tell me? I won't tell anybody, honest.

Still won't tell me? Fine!

*slams door*

*sticks face back in to say, love and quisses, S xxx*


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