Naughty Letters to Ms. Mac

Countless noble souls (and many fluffy kittens) sacrificed their lives during the making of this blog. We think you will agree they were worth it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some Excitement On The Horizon!

Dearest Ms. Mac,

I am working today so I can have Froiday off and take Crotchfruit Number 1 to Amsterdam for the weekend. He's getting really excited about sleeping in a houseboat for two nights! The highlight for me will not be the tulips, the Dutch beer, nor the houseboat, but meeting that that Ropey Old Bird and Jorge AND Naughty Michael in the absolute flesh for the very first time.

It brings back fond memories of our first meeting, at our world-famous Dijon picnic. Our 4th Macaversary is coming up soon, according to my diary. Cor, we have beaten many of those Hollywood couples for longevity, haven't we?

Muchos besos,


Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Blunday

Dearest Ms. Mac,

I promise I'm not ignorming you (that's my new word), but I have spent Easter weekend chained to my 'puter doing an emergency translation of our monthly report, as our poor old regular translator was shipped off to hospital at the worst possible time of the month.

I took time off to do my crotch fruits' Easter Egg hunt yesterday and cooked a fab meal for lunch (chicken tagine with prunes and almonds and couscous - fucking amaaaazing!). Today we delivered the chillun to Mémée and Pépé's and had another fab meal with LOTS of champagne and red wine. Am now translating quite drunkenly, the resluts (my second new word) should be amusing, to say the least.

My Friday off this week will be SOOO relaxing! Hairdresser will beautify me at 9 am, and I've threatened Mr Grumpy Blackheart that if he doesn't take me out somewhere afterwards, his life won't be worth living!

So, back to the price of soft commodities (perilously low, you will be concerned to hear).

Muchos slavish besos,
