My flashes of blogging brilliance have become few and far between. I fear I'm suffering a crisis of confidence. I look back over my archives and think 'Ninety percent of this is a huge, steaming mound of pretentious bullshit.'
Even The Lovely
Ms. Mac, my usual muse, has failed to provoke much inspiration in me lately. I'm not
blaming you Stella, but.... what's happend to my sense of humour?
this nasty post caught my eye today and I just had to share it with you. As you know, I am not at all obsessed with bottoms or poo. But I must say, the finest euphemism for
anus I have ever seen would have to be
dirt star. Isn't that just lovely? Isn't it simply adorable? I love it! But my interest in the subject is not unhealthy, I assure you.
My interest in the subject is purely academic. I'm passionately interested in words, you see. I'm really not fixated on bottoms, excrement or genitalia. NOT AT ALL! And I'm not protesting too much either!