Whiffy Wednesday
I'm thinking I really should get in the shower and freshen up a little before venturing out to get the kids from school for lunch.
But I have blogs to update, sewing jobs for handsome Australians, and a ton of housework and shopping to do, due to spousal incomptence during my six-day absence from home. So I think I'll skip my personal hygiene today, you don't mind, do you?
D'ya know? I'm still in withdrawal from having left your cosy Swiss nest in the Village of the Damned, and am replaying all the best bits over and over in my mind.
- the virile, PMT-fuelled way you shouted and waved your fists at those cretinous Swiss drivers
- our fabulous lunch, spiced with girly gossip with The Lovely Sylv, long may she reign

- totally admiring The Lovely Sylv's exciting cleavage
- getting a massive bear hug from your husband when you weren't looking
- visiting the Schoggi Haus for early, chocolatey Christmas shopping
- the fact that we didn't talk about US politics, not even once! Not even in comedic way!
- being towered over by the MiniMacs, and distributing wee chocs to them in order to keep them on my side
- the raclette dinner we had with The Lovely Simon, who won the ladies' hearts with very fine chocolates and suave conversation
- hooting with laughter (toot toot!) at Peep Show, Lost in Austen, and that funny show with the obnoxious children at a weddding...
- swooning with lust every time Seb Chabal came on screen during the France vs. Australia rugby (I don't even mind that France lost!)
- thinking 'Remind me NEVER to let Mr Mac mix me a vodka and orange ever again'...
- calling The Lovely Andi to congratulate on her long-awaited American citizenship gig (and to warn her about Americans)
- eating The Lovely Gomad's Birnenbrot with cawfee for breakfast, or was that our second breakfast of the Saturday?
- fetching the messages at a big shopping centre and NOT being accosted and abused by crazy old Swiss grannies keen to impart their childcare tips.
Today I am forlornly sniffing the plastic bag in which you so lovingly wrapped my Mystery Spice sandwiches for my long train trip home, and wishing you would adopt me on a permanent basis instead of cruelly welcoming me in and then casting me out after only three short days of bliss.
Later Babe!
Muchos besos muy calientes,